zaterdag 20 augustus 2011

Did you die, blog?

It's been a long time since I posted my last outfitpost here. My computer didn't even recognize the url of my blog in the browser anymore... What happened?
Didn't I have time?
Was I that busy?
Did you die, blog?
Answers to all of them; NO. I had time. I was not that busy. I just guess I kind of forgot and did not look back at it. Shame on me! So here sort of a fresh start, and I will try to make it up to all of you and I will do my best to make it work. Let's start with some vacation pics. Here's what I wore on one of the first days. And here some pictures of the lake. Our camping was on the edge of the lake. I have a lot more pictures, so here part 1 of the vacation :) Those other pictures involve a flight with a small plane, segways, llamas, lions and waterfalls, so prepare!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. dankjewel voor je reactie!

    Gelukkig doet je blog het weer! Leuke foto's!

    liefs, Janine. ♥

  2. Super leuke foto's!
    Ik hou een give away!
    Ik zou het erg leuk vinden als je meedoet!
    Je kunt een welnesspakket winnen.
    De link staat bovenaan mijn nieuwe post.
    Liefs, Charlie

  3. Wat een lief rokje! 7e foto van jou is mooi zeg!
