zaterdag 7 januari 2012

Let's bake some brownies without chocolate


I went to Cas wednesday and we spent wonderful days together. We painted a picture, walked to the supermarket, walked back, prepared dinner(teriyaki), watched a movie(moon) and laughed a lot that evening. We talked and talked, so much

we slept around 3:30.
The next day we ate breakfast, had a spank-war in the kitchen, baked brownies with m&m's, went to the supermarket again and prepared dinner(pork with sauce, pota
toes and goulashsoup) and then saw this incredibly movie forrest gump. I wanted to see that movie for a long time and have to say, it's beautiful. You should see it!

The recipe for the brownies, they were absolutely delicious:

And forrest gump.
''My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.''
Oh yes and I ordered this Dahlia dress, it's for sale!

I hope you will be my 50th follower ;D Goodbye!

maandag 2 januari 2012

New Year's Eve

A night full of competition, family and love.
And fireworks.
But I got scared. I don't like fireworks. I fled inside several times. But hey, eating oliebollen is as much fun :'D

Well, during the evening everyone became more excited and started to move more, so the photo's with a warm atmosphere were hard to take. Flash, flash. I needed my flasher.
My boyfriend came around 10 o'clock and celebrated the rest of the evening with us.
Oh how I love him. Have a lovely 2012 everybody!